Third Sunday in Advent

Posted on 12 Dec 2021, Pastor: Dan Bohn
Watch on FaceBook Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice! In Jesus the promised Messiah has come! No need to look for, or believe in anyone else! Our faith is sure and we can point others to Him as did John in the desert! God’s rich blessings to you! Your brothers and sisters in
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Second Sunday in Advent

Posted on 06 Dec 2021, Pastor: Pastor Dan Bohn
Watch on Face Book On this Sunday, we are challenged by God’s messenger, to prepare for the coming of the Lord! To allow the Holy Spirit to do His work through the Law and Gospel, preparing our hearts for Christ the King to rule our lives in love and grace. May your time in worship be a
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First Sunday in Advent

Posted on 29 Nov 2021, Pastor: Pastor Dan Bohn
We focus on the fact that He HAS come, IS Coming daily, and WILL come once again on the final day of judgment!
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Return of the King

Posted on 19 Nov 2021, Pastor: Pastor Dan Bohn
The Return of the King! When? What should we be doing? Will we survive the fires of satan's temptations?
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Signs of the Last Day?

Posted on 15 Nov 2021, Pastor: Pastor Dan Bohn
Living in the end times and learning how to remain faithful to Christ, until He returns!
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All Saints Day

Posted on 12 Nov 2021, Pastor: Dan Bohn
We also learn how we, saints still living on earth, can live with a confident hope of receiving that same crown of life and live in heaven with all who have gone before us!
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Lord I Want to See!

Posted on 26 Oct 2021, Pastor: Daniel L. Bohn
In the first verse of the hymn “Amazing Grace” we confess, “I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see!”   This week we learn from a blind man how to truly see.  We are to see and believe in Christ as the Son of David with our eyes of faith! God’s
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The Urgency of Today

Posted on 14 Oct 2021, Pastor: Daniel L. Bohn
We learn that even though God our Father knows our sin, He invites us to give up the world, seek His kingdom, and He will forgive and give us all things!
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